The Research Project

The Hopeful Justice Collective is part of a research project titled ‘Transformative Justice, women with convictions and community cohesion’. The purpose of this study is to establish the effectiveness of using Transformative Justice to bring communities together and help women with convictions reintegrate into their local communities.

This study has been commissioned by the Nuffield Foundation and British Academy and is being conducted by a team of academics at London South Bank University, Nottingham Trent University, Central School of Speech and Drama, and the University of Brighton.

Your Responses (written and recorded online)

All responses (recorded or written) will be anonymous. There is the opportunity to provide an optional email address if you are happy for the collective and partners to contact you about your responses. You can remove your consent for this at any time by contacting: 

Responses will be included anonymously in the research project and shared with members of the Hopeful Justice Collective.

Who to Contact for Further Information?

If you have any further questions or you would like any more information please do not hesitate to contact the project lead Professor Tirion Havard on


If you have any concerns about the way the study is conducted, please contact the Chair of the Institute of Health and Social Care Ethics Panel:


If participating in this research has raised issues of abuse and you need to speak with someone, please contact